EverMAX - contact
If you are interested in our services or you need more information, please use this contacts.
Company management
Ing. Martin Žižka

Managing Director
zizka (at) evermax (dot) cz
Kateřina Žižková
Deputy Managing Director
zizkova (zavinac) evermax (tecka) cz
Petra Vnoučková
vnouckova (zavinac) evermax (tecka) cz
tel: +420 266 090 100
Manufacture and Purchasing
František Pospíchal, DiS.
Coordiantor of Manufacture and Purchasing
pospichal (at) evermax (dot) cz
František Tázler
Purchasing Assistant
tazler (at) evermax (dot) cz
Jiří Dajčman
Chief of Manual Production
dajcman (zavinac) evermax (tecka) cz
Antonín Lejsek
Technical Support of Production
lejsek (zavinac) evermax (tecka) cz
Company address
Our company's place of business is in the Impera Park, Prague 9 – Čakovice at:
Oderská 333
Praha 9 - Čakovice
196 00
Other information
Reg. #: 27401006
VAT #: CZ27401006